Old Town Alexandria Wedding Photography
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Old Town Alexandria Wedding Photography

There are some clients you just love. Rashida Johnson is one of them.

When she and her sister first came into my studio, the excitement level was off the chart. And as I've said so may times over the years, what artist (of any kind) wouldn't want a client like that? In her first email to me, back on July 17, 2011, she wrote simply, "I LOVE your photography!" A week later, after we had met for the first time, she wrote back: "Your photography is AMAZING!" And two weeks after that, when she had signed a contract, she emailed yet again: "WE'RE SO EXCITED!!"

Now, part of me wants to buy Rashida a thank you gift and fix that caps lock problem she seems to be having, but maybe I'll get her something else. :)

Seriously, I have to say I was just as excited as Rashida, her groom, Steven, their two daughters, Sydney and Skylar, and their dog, Paris. The whole family is a delight.

The best part is that Rashida came to me by way of another of my all time favorite people (and families), Jessica Stafford Davis, who hired me a few years back to photograph The People's Inaugural Project. That project, where hundreds of rooms on inauguration day 2008 at the Marriott at Freedom Plaza were donated to homeless people, disenfranchised people, the elderly and the sick, was one of the most rewarding events I've ever photographed in my life. And I'm not blowing smoke. I'll never forget it.

It's clear that the Alfred Street Baptist Church in Old Town, just a stone's throw from my studio, produces some amazingly great folks. And I feel enriched to have met so many now!

Thanks, guys!