Dancing Senior Portrait
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Not Forgotten: Yorktown Seniors 2020

Dancing Senior Portrait

Marion L. We’ve had a good run of athletes up until now, so let’s make more room for the arts. I asked Marion, who has spent her life dancing, if she wouldn’t mind doing just that for our picture. She agreed as long as I promised she could wear her Virginia Tech sweatshirt. A deal was made! In addition to her ballet, Marion was an assistant teacher at a local dance studio, just a five minute walk from Yorktown. She’ll attend Tech next year to study biochemistry. I asked her for her thoughts on the pandemic and here’s what she had to say: “There are a lot of negative things that we can dwell on when it comes to this virus, but we are all in this together. When I go on long walks with my parent and my dog, people wave and say hi. I have become even more grateful for school, and I miss being in the classroom, working on different EMT skills, doing chemistry labs, and connecting with my peers. I felt a community and a home at Yorktown. I am sad that I didn’t get to say goodbye, but I’m looking forward to my future at college.” Leaping her way into college, Marion L. **** No prom, no cap and gown, no graduation ceremony. No problem. Next stop, greatness. The senior class of Yorktown High School, Arlington, Virginia. A photo essay by Matt Mendelsohn.

Location: Arlington, Virginia.