Fine Arts Senior Portrait
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Not Forgotten: Yorktown Seniors 2020

Fine Arts Senior Portrait

The Yorktown Seniors of 2020: Halina S. We’re picking up steam, which is great, but I’m falling behind, which could be bad. I hate typing on a phone, because me and auto correct have a hate/hate relationship. So to try and speed things along, I’ve begun asking all our seniors to help me out a little. This project is a journalistic endeavor—I may no longer work every day in the news biz, but I did for half my career. I love writing these little synopses. But just to speed things along, I’m asking the seniors to offer some of their own perspectives. Here’s Halina: “I’ve been dancing since I was 5 years old. I’ve studied jazz, modern, contemporary, and ballet. Every year my studio has a spring recital, and being that it’s my senior year and the recital was canceled, I’m sad I won’t get to share the stage with my dance friends again.” Next year, Halina will attend USC where she hopes to study astrobiology and one day search for life in the universe. I give you graduating senior, Halina S.