High School Senior Athlete
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Not Forgotten: Yorktown Seniors 2020

High School Senior Athlete

Haley G. What do you do with a great high school high jumper whose final season has evaporated? You have her jump, of course! We’re not going to let any of these great athletes, scholars, musicians and more think we’ve forgotten about their accomplishments all these years! Here’s Haley: “Throughout high school, I made sure to keep in shape. I played high school soccer for two years, indoor track for three years, outdoor track for one year (it would have been two if not for corona), and club soccer since middle school. However, there's more to me than just sports. Academics were also a huge priority and so was volunteering. I was a leader in two service-based clubs (Key Club and Junior Civitan), I participate in Yorktown's National Honor Society, and I am a founder of Ronald McDonald House Charities' Teen Ambassador Program.” Haley will be attending Virginia Tech in the fall where she be majoring in General Engineering. “I am a huge physics nerd and can't wait to start learning more about it, as well as enjoying the rest of the college experience. Although I am sad I missed out on the typical senior experience, I understand it had to be cancelled for the greater good of the community. During this time, I have been keeping myself occupied with art and thinking about my future rather than dwelling on the past/what I missed.” I present multi-sport athlete and self-described physics nerd, Haley G. Good luck!!