Nepalese Senior in Arlington, Virginia
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Not Forgotten: Yorktown Seniors 2020

Nepalese Senior in Arlington, Virginia

Imagine being brand new to this country, trying to figure it all out, and just when you’re finding your stride it all comes crashing to a halt. That’s how Swosti felt, having only arrived for Nepal in 2018. “I’m from Nepal and I came here to the United Sates last year. I started junior year at Yorktown. It was quite hard to adjust at first, since everything was so different. It was like a whole new world to me. But I worked hard and embraced the challenges as a part of myself. Yorktown has given me so many memories in such a short time. My senior year was going amazing. It was like I was living my dream high school life. But then it was all gone.” I asked Swosti to pose with something meaningful. She chose this beautiful ceremonial dagger from her country. “Being a Nepali, I always feel proud of my culture. My culture is what makes me stand out and gives me a different identity. The sword (Khukurii) represents the bravery of Gorkhali (Nepalese). It symbolizes that no matter how big weapon the enemy has, we never give up and fight till the end. It motivates me to always face the challenges in life and fight for the success.” I give you Yorktown senior Swosti A. We thank you and all the other students from afar for everything you teach us about the world outside or borders.

Location: Arlington, Virginia.