Outdoor Senior Portrait
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Not Forgotten: Yorktown Seniors 2020

Outdoor Senior Portrait

This one hits close to home, probably because Erin lives close to my home, and I can still remember her from the bus stop when she was a first grader at Jamestown. Not only that, but Erin’s mom Karen and I share a common bond: we were partners in another equally kooky photo project. When the kids were at Jamestown we spearheaded a wellness project, together with my wife Maya, that we called “Chew on This!” The idea was to create a series of public service posters that taught the kids about exercise and nutrition. I think some of the posters might still be hanging in that school ten years later. It’s so great to see Erin all grown up and ready to pursue her education next year at Virginia Tech. She loves to garden, she loves her dog Ollie, and we’ve been trading puzzles over the last month. I give you: Erin M.

Location: Arlington, Virginia.