Senior Prom Portrait
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Not Forgotten: Yorktown Seniors 2020

Senior Prom Portrait

The Yorktown Seniors of 2020: Grace K. Okay, we got our first prom dress tonight! Love it. This whole project started as a way to help the senior class find some whimsy and fun and attention in an otherwise lousy poker hand. I want the pictures to reflect a sense of loss—the awards nights and proms and caps and gowns. But I want them to reflect a good helping of resilience, too. And when Grace walked out of her house tonight with a dog and a prom dress, I laughed. It was perfect for what we’re doing. Grace, like so many Yorktown seniors is pretty amazing. Here she is in her own words: “All my life I have loved working with children who have intellectual or developmental disabilities (IDD). I have volunteered with the Shriver Program which provides special education for students ages 11 to 22 who require extensive program applications due to their IDD. I have been fortunate enough to be co-Vice President of Best Buddies at Yorktown High school and I plan on continuing to be involved with the amazing organization throughout college. I plan on majoring in education with an emphasis in special education and minoring in American Sign Language (ASL), which I’ve been studying for the past four years and was elected President of the ASL honors society. Being in quarantine has been a blessing and a curse. While it is difficult to think about all the events I have been waiting for my entire high school career, such as prom, I am thankful for having the opportunity to be with my family more before I go to college and to bond with my new puppy.” Great kid. I give you Yorktown senior Grace K.

Location: Arlington, Virginia.