STEM Senior Portrait
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Not Forgotten: Yorktown Seniors 2020

STEM Senior Portrait

Jonathan S. This senior is pretty amazing. When I asked him to write me a little something about himself, he said this: “I’m a senior at Yorktown high school and I've spent each year there as a member of its Orchestra as a violinist.” Okay, you say, nothing odd about that. Except that the next paragraph is this: “I built my own telescope (they can get pretty expensive). It took about two months. It’s made largely by hand, without many power tools. And It’s powerful enough to see the rings of Saturn, Jupiter's moons, and the red tint of Mars, as well as the Moon and Orion's Nebula.” Okay, I’m just teasing, but Jonathan, have you heard of burying the lede? That is amazing. The main tube is poster tubing, btw! Jonathan showed me some of the amazing images he’s captured using an attachment for his iPhone. In the Facebook feed (I can’t do it here) I will post some of his photos FROM THE TELESCOPE HE BUILT ON HIS BALCONY!!. Unreal, these seniors. Jonathan will be attending GMU next year in the Honors College to pursue a degree in astronomy.