Yorktown High School Portrait
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Not Forgotten: Yorktown Seniors 2020

Yorktown High School Portrait

My father was a mathematician. He worked as a research scientist at Grumman Aerospace in Bethpage, New York, where I grew up. Before Northrop Grumman, there was just Grumman. It seemed like everyone on Long Island worked there in the sixties and seventies. F-14 Tomcats (Top Gun), A-6 Intruders, Prowlers and Hawkeyes, all made start to finish in Bethpage. And let’s not forget the Lunar Module, too! So I was happy to see Sofia D. with her white board of equations. I wanted to ask her what they meant but I was afraid wouldn’t understand. :) She says, “I knew I wanted to major in accounting a few years ago. It just seems like the best academic fit for me since I enjoy math, stats, and anything that works towards a numerical solution. I’ve committed to Bucknell University this fall to study Accounting in the Freeman School of Management, and was fortunate enough to win a very generous accounting scholarship from PWC. I’m super excited about the program, and thankful for my parents, counselor, and PWC for their faith in me.” And to the question I’ve been posting to all these seniors, “This time in quarantine has felt like a giant stalling period, as if the world has truly stopped and we are waiting on a special generator to kick us back into motion. I miss my friends so much, all the lunch time chats and laughs in the hallway.” Good luck at Bucknell, Sofia!

Location: Arlington, Virginia.