Yorktown Seniors of Arlington
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Not Forgotten: Yorktown Seniors 2020

Yorktown Seniors of Arlington

I’m a bit of tree hugger, so the minute Henry’s mom took me into the backyard I knew we had to get this 300 year-old oak into the background. The bummer is that because every SINGLE one of these “Not Forgotten” portraits has been taken with the same long lens, to ensure distancing and safety, there’s no way to show the absolute enormity of the tree. Suffice to say, this photo only shows the base. It would take four or five more frames pasted together to show the whole thing. Henry’s mom says that local legend has it that the tree was dubbed the “Lookout Tree” and climbed by Confederate forces to scout Northern troop coming across the Chain Bridge. Anyway, enough about trees and more about Henry, captain of the boys’ soccer team. Here’s what he told me. “High school soccer will always be special to me. I have been a part of the soccer team for as long as I have gone to Yorktown. This season was supposed to cap off my decade long career as a soccer player, but like the other spring sport athletes had that taken away by the virus. After a lot of self reflection during our time off, I recognized soccer was too important to me to be over now. In a way, I am thankful to the virus for giving me the opportunity to make this decision. Although I will be missing the remainder of my senior year, I am extremely excited for my next four years at Gettysburg College.” We salute Henry M., Yorktown senior. **** No prom, no cap and gown, no graduation ceremony. No problem.

Location: Arlington, Virginia.